Scholarships - colleges

Sofia University

Sofia University  People

Sofia University is a Private for-profit institution located in Palo Alto, CA. The school... has approximately 11 undergraduate students. The school offers students 4-year degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $0. The average age of students entering Sofia University is 0. The most popular programs at the Sofia University are: Psychology (100%), .

Students Receiving Federal Loans

Below is a detailed breakdown of the student body at the Sofia University.

11 Undergraduate Students

Male Students: 27%

Female Students: 73%

45% Full Time / 55% Part Time

Average Age of Entry : 0

Low Income Students: 67%

Race / Ethnicity

The average student can expect to graduate from the Sofia University with the amount of debt stated below.

Students Receiving Federal Loans

Below is a list of the degree programs that are offered at the Sofia University.

Bachelor Degrees
  • Psychology

Most Popular Programs
  • Psychology (100%)