Texas A & M University-College Station is a Public institution located in College Station,... TX. The school has approximately 52568 undergraduate students. The school offers students 4-year degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $79,763. The average age of students entering Texas A & M University-College Station is 20. The most popular programs at the Texas A & M University-College Station are: Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services (15%), Engineering (15%), Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies (10%), Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, And Related Sciences (9%) and Social Sciences (8%).
Below is what you can expect to pay if you are attending the Texas A & M University-College Station.
Depending on the fedaral, state, or institutional grant aid available, students in your income bracket may pay more or less than the overall average costs.
Family Income | Average Cost |
$0 - $30,000 | $12,199 |
$30,001 - $48,000 | $14,858 |
$48,001 - $75,000 | $20,414 |
$75,001 - $110,000 | $25,956 |
$110,000 + | $26,988 |
Below is a detailed breakdown of the student body at the Texas A & M University-College Station.
52,568 Undergraduate Students
Male Students: 52%
Female Students: 48%
89% Full Time / 11% Part Time
Average Age of Entry : 20
Low Income Students: 21%
The test scores below show the average of all students that have been accepted at the Texas A & M University-College Station.
The average student can expect to graduate from the Texas A & M University-College Station with the amount of debt stated below.
The graduation rate at the Texas A & M University-College Station is displayed as a percentage of students admitted.
Below is a list of the degree programs that are offered at the Texas A & M University-College Station.