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What Skills should a Computer Programmer Have

What Skills should a Computer Programmer Have
Bachelor's degree

Many programmers have a degree in computer science or some related field; although certain employers hire workers with an associate's degree. Many programmers specialize in a variety of programming languages.

Education & Training

It is common for computer programmers to hold a bachelor's degree. Certain employers will take on staff that has an associate's degree. Many computer programmers secure their degree in computer science or some related field. Individuals, who work in particular fields including accounting or healthcare, may take classes to supplement their degree. Experience can be gained via internships.

It is common for computer programmers to cover only a few of the many computer languages while attending school. Obtaining a computer science degree enables students to obtain the skills required to learn new computer languages with ease. During classes, students cover debugging software, code writing experience and a host of other tasks they will frequently use in this profession.

Continuing education requirements are necessary to keep up with technological changes. Professional development seminars are necessary to learn about programming upgrades to existing programs or to learn new programming languages.

Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations

It is possible for programmers to become certified in specific computer programming languages. They may earn certification for vendor-specific products as well. Certain companies may desire that their computer programmers become certified in particular products.

Skills and Qualities that will Help

Analytical Skills: Computer programmers need to comprehend complex instructions to successfully create computer code.

Concentration: Programmers need to sit at a computer for long lengths of time writing code and working.

Detail Oriented: It is necessary for computer programmers to thoroughly examine the code they are responsible for writing as one tiny mistake can dramatically affect the entire computer program.

Troubleshooting Skills: A vital component of a computer programmer's job is to check the code for errors and fix accordingly.

How To Advance

Programmers who have experience in general business may decide to become analysts specializing in computer systems. With relevant experience, certain programmers may become software developers. In time, promotion to a variety of managerial positions may be available.